Archive for the ‘Treated Photographs’ Category

Portrait illustration & collage


Portrait illustration & collage

Digital Photoshop portrait illustration of Comedy Central pundit Stephen Colbert of “The Colbert Report” as American President George Washington.

‘Snooki’ sans Tan


Snooki sans Tan

In the interest of science, I wondered “What would Snooki — break-out star of MTV’s Jersey Shore — look like with human skin?”

Humanity, I give you the answer.

Colorized Photograph II


John A. Macdonald

First Canadian Prime Minister The Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald (1815–1891).

Miniature TTC Streetcar



This is an experiment with Photoshop to create the illusion of a diorama from a real-world photograph. The edits are apparent when you view the original photograph here.

Colorized Photograph


I chose American author Jack Kerouac (1923–1969) for this project simply because there aren’t a lot of colour photographs of him around. The challenge was in adjusting the levels for the skin, T-shirt and background based on hue, bringing out the highlights in the hair, and achieving life-like tone in the skin.

Treated Photograph


Back issues of National Geographics from the 1960s and 70s have always fascinated me — there is a quality to the photographs that you don’t see very often today.

This experiment was my attempt to reproduce that quality in Photoshop (with a vintage type treatment to finish).