Posts Tagged ‘newspaper’

CF-104 Starfighter Technical Illustration


CF-104 Starfighter

This is an isometric technical drawing of a CF-104 Starfighter I drew in Adobe Illustrator, working from some rough blueprints I managed to locate online. Growing up we had the cockpit for one of these (more…)

Non-English Maps


Map of Atlantic Provinces in Gaelic

Map of Newfoundland’s Port au port peninsula in French

I created these maps based on research done through Google Books, Google Scholar, and the JSTOR Online Academic Journal Database. Linguistic minorities are an interest of mine, and the Gaelic community in Nova Scotia and the Peninsular French community in Newfoundland are both in drastic decline. These maps were designed as open-source reference materials.

Smartphone Infographic


I produced this in the summer of 2008, just before both of these phones were released in Canada. It was supposed to be a newspaper-flavoured portfolio piece, but in a Hail Mary Pass I e-mailed it to the Globe & Mail just to see what would happen. Mike Snider, the very polite Online Technology Editor, told me it was “a great idea and looks clean and professional,” but because of policy they were unable to accept an unsolicited submission.