Posts Tagged ‘YSDN’

Call-out Infographic


This is an object graphic I drew from a photo-reference in Illustrator. It was my first use of the gradient map tool, for an Information Design class.

Paperback Typeface


Paperback Typeface

This is a typeface I designed for Typography IV at school — the concept was a post-modern take on Janson. As one of the most popular publishing typefaces from the middle of the century, Janson was seen in all manner of publications, at many different levels of distress. This version is bleedy, worn-down, and on its last legs.

Campus Wayfinding


Branded campus wayfinding series I did for Information Design.

Campus Maps – Day/Night


College Map - Day

College Map - Night

Pocket reference maps for college campus, with night version on the reverse. The night version listed unlocked doors and vending machines, which we all knew from those long hours spent in the computer labs.

Celtic Typography Timeline


This is a timeline I did on the evolution of Celtic letterforms, for History of Typography at YSDN. Richard Baum at Thompson Reuters asked me why I put North at the bottom — I told him I wanted the timeline and travel-line to move in sync. Since the colonists were so uncooperative as to have travelled west, (more…)

Language Map


The figures for this piece were researched by myself from Statistics Canada. If I were doing this again I’d use bar graphs instead of pie charts, to improve comparability across provinces.

Inuktitut Textbook Cover Mock-up


Inuktitut Textbook